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Getting to know...Slouch

We put Slouch in the spotlight ahead of their Tea Street Band support slot at Stereo in December to find out their favourite albums, festivals and more...

Tell us a bit about the band in five words...

"We’re a five-piece from the Southside of Glasgow who make new-wave alternative rock music."

Describe your sound in five words...

"Having fun and making noises"

How important is the Glasgow scene to the band?
"The fact that there’s so many different sounding bands, venues and promoters is incredibly important and helps inspire everyone in the city making music."
Top 3 bands?
We all have different influences but three we all really love would be The Strokes, Tame Impala and The Stone Roses.
First album you bought?
"Ryan can remember buying Scissor Sisters by Scissor Sisters. An absolute classic!"
Last album you bought?
"The Pogues – Poetry in Motion or The Ninth Wave – Infancy on vinyl"
T In The Park or TRNSMT?
"Balado-era T In The Park (RIP)"

SLOUCH: (L-R) Div Anderson (drums), Daniel MacRae (guitar), Paul Burnett (vocals), Ryan Smith (bass) & Mark Hunter (guitar)

If you could go back and see one band, who would it be?
"Too many to pick one! Nirvana, The Smiths and The Rolling Stones before they needed CPR kits side of stage all would’ve been good"
Best gig you've been to?
"The Stone Roses, either at Glasgow Green or in Manchester"
Favourite lyric?
""My breath smells of a thousand fags” from Robbie Williams' Strong"
Dream collaboration...?
"Slouch ft. Kevin Parker [of Tame Impala], easy!"
Top 5 new acts...?
"FauvesThe Bleeders, Bad Hombres and Walt Disco"
Pete or Carl?
"Carl, since him and Ryan [Smith, Slouch's bassist] have shared a kiss!"
Top three albums...?
"From the three artists we named we’ll go for The Strokes – Is This It, Tame Impala – Let it Happen and The Stone Roses – Stone Roses"
First gig you went to?
"Oasis’ last gig in Scotland at Murrayfield"
Last gig you went to?
"Fauves in The Old Hairdressers"
And the next one...?
"The Bleeders in The Blue Arrow"
Liam or Noel...?
"Div [Anderson, the band's drummer] will say Blur but for the rest of us it's Oasis"
And finally, if you could have written any one song, what would it be?
"Right this very day it would be Post Malone – Circles. What an absolute tune!"


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